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The installation of IUAdmin is extremely simple and should take less than 5 minutes.

  1. Go to the download page to request a trial key and download the software distribution, which is a single file named IUAxxxx.EXE, where xxxx is the version number. After you fill out the form requesting a trial key, the server will automatically generate it and send it to you via e-mail.

  2. Select a server to run IUAdmin.
    • Understand the product requirements.
    • Read the HTTPSTK considerations and verify that HTTPSTK is running on the server by typing "MODULES HTTPSTK" at the console.
    • Verify connectivity via HTTPSTK. Using a browser, verify connectivity to HTTPSTK by loading PORTAL.NLM and attempting to connect to it:
      (Ex: https://your.server.name.or.ip.address:8009)
      (Ex: http://your.server.name.or.ip.address:8008)

  3. Confirm the the selected server has the appropriate rights in the tree.
    Because IUAdmin can serve as a proxy system for HelpDesks to do NDS operations, it logs in to the tree as the server object on which it is running. Therefore the server object must have rights to view and act on objects in the tree.


    Using any tool that can grant Trustee Rights in the tree (NWAdmin or ConsoleOne), locate the server object for the server that will run IUAdmin. Then give the server object rights to the parts of the tree that you want IUAdmin to be able to work with. This is usually where your users and groups are. It will need Supervisor object and property rights.

    File System

    Because file system rights are obtained directly from the user logging in to IUAdmin, there is no requirement for the server running IUAdmin to have any special rights to the file system of any server. However, for IUAdmin to provide the functionality of automatically correcting lost trustee assignments to user home directories, it will need supervisor rights to the server file systems.

  4. Select a volume to hold IUAdmin. SYS is suggested but not required.

  5. Run the IUAxxxx.EXE installation program you downloaded in step 1 above and point it to the server and volume you have selected to run IUAdmin.

  6. When the installation is complete, copy the trial key LICENSE.DAT file you requested from the web site into the IUADMIN directory on the server.
  7. Load the NLM at the server console with the -SETUP option.
    • Wait on the "Initialization Complete message before continuing.

  8. Perform the Initial Configuration:
    1. Using a browser, connect to IUAdmin:
      (Ex: http://your.server.name.or.ip.address:8008/IUAdmin/Advanced)
    2. Click on the "IUAdmin Administration" icon to proceed into the administration page.
    3. You will be prompted to authenticate. Enter the fully-distinguished name and password for an object that has rights to make modifications to the \IUADMIN directory on the server. Later when a user index is built, you will be able to use context-less usernames in the authentication box.
    4. Click on the icon for "User Index". This is where you specify where in the tree your objects are. Select one or more containers that hold the users that you would like to be able to use IUAdmin. IUAdmin will automatically search containers subordinate to the ones you specify.
    5. Click on the "Rebuild Now" button to cause the User Index to be generated on demand. The NLM screen will indicate when the new index is in production.

  9. Inform Test Users of How to Access IUAdmin.
  10. Consider implementing the optional Schema Extensions before going production.
  11. Change the appearance of the IUAdmin Interface to fit your organization.

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